
All secret image sharing (SIS) schemes are based on a finite field, on which the generation and reconstruction can be accomplished correctly. To achieve distortionless secret images, a Galois field GF(2m) would be adopted with increased computational complexity. Simple modular arithmetic, on the other hand, is frequently utilized to improve computational efficiency. However, the SIS using simple modular arithmetic is not a completely distortion-free scheme. In this paper, simple modular arithmetic will continue to be investigated to reserve its utility of reducing computational complexity. Multi-prime modular arithmetic is explored for building SIS with multi-prime (referred to as SISw/M) rather than using single-prime modular arithmetic. When dealing with the N-bit frames in a secret image, the prime employed in SISw/M would be closer to the 2N value, resulting in improved image quality. In addition, with Chinese Remainder Theorem, progressive recovery is provided. Experimental results and comparisons are demonstrated to show the merits (enhanced image quality and progressive recovery) of the proposed approach.

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