
In this paper, we analyze the effect of feedback delay and estimation errors on secrecy throughput performance in wireless networks. Specially, we consider a multiple-input single-output single eavesdropper (MISOSE) channel, where a multi-antenna source sends private signals to a single-antenna legitimate receiver in the presence of an eavesdropper. In order to enhance the security, we adopt hybrid beamforming and artificial jamming scheme in this paper, considering the channel estimation error and feedback delay of legitimate channel. Accordingly, we derive closed-form expression of outage probability and secrecy throughput under imperfect channel conditions. Furthermore, secrecy throughput performance in high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) region is also investigated. Analytical and numerical results show that the channel feedback delay plays a more important role on secrecy throughput performance in MISOSE networks. Moreover, we found that secrecy throughput would deteriorate in high SNR region or feedback delay conditions.

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