
Some necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for inequality constrained problems with continuously differentiable data were obtained in the papers [I. Ginchev and V.I. Ivanov, Second-order optimality conditions for problems with C$\sp{1}$ data, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 340, 2008, pp. 646--657], [V.I. Ivanov, Optimality conditions for an isolated minimum of order two in C$\sp{1}$ constrained optimization, J. Math. Anal. Appl., v. 356, 2009, pp. 30--41] and [V. I. Ivanov, Second- and first-order optimality conditions in vector optimization, Internat. J. Inform. Technol. Decis. Making, 2014, DOI: 10.1142/S0219622014500540]. In the present paper, we continue these investigations. We obtain some necessary optimality conditions of Karush--Kuhn--Tucker type for scalar and vector problems. A new second-order constraint qualification of Zangwill type is introduced. It is applied in the optimality conditions.

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