
TYPE: Late Breaking Case Report TOPIC: Chest Infections INTRODUCTION: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that can affect any organ in its secondary stages. We describe a case of secondary syphilis with pulmonary involvement. CASE PRESENTATION: A 57 years old male came with SOB and cough since 1 week. He had history of fever, skin ulcers since1 month.He admits history of sexual exposure with commercial sex worker. CECT CHEST – Ground glass and nodular opacities in left upper and lower lobes. Punched out skin ulcers of 1x1 cm are seen over scrotum and right thigh. Veneral Disease Research Laboratory, Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination,Flourescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption - REACTIVE. • The diagnosis of secondary pulmonary syphilis was made based on History, Clinical examination, Serological tests for syphilis and Clinical improvement with anti syphilitic treatment. He was treated with BENZATHINE PENICILLIN 2.4 MU I.M per week for 4 weeks. Patient was followed for next 6 months.His skin lesions and lung infiltrates were completely cured in susequent examination. DISCUSSION: In 1983, Coleman et al.proposed five criteria for the clinical diagnosis of secondary syphilis with pulmonary involvement: [1] History and physical findings typical of secondary syphilis;[2] Serologic test results positive for syphilis;[3] Pulmonary abnormalities seen on radiographs with or without associated pulmonary symptoms or signs;[4] Exclusion of other forms of pulmonary disease when possible, using serologic tests, sputum smears and cultures, and cytologic examination of sputum; and[5] Therapeutic response to anti-syphilitic treatment visible on radiographs. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary syphilitic involvement should be suspected where clinical history along with pulmonary symptoms and radiological changes occur in cases positive for serological markers. DISCLOSURE: Nothing to declare. KEYWORD: SECONDARY PULMONARY SYPHILIS

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