
During the current Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out using an online system, so many training activities, seminars, and lectures were carried out online. In this research, a secondary metabolite learning model from Taxus sumatrana will be applied with Ethnoscience Integrated Inquiry. Learning activities are carried out online via video conference. Furthermore, to evaluate the learning process and results, the google form application is used. This research is institutional research from an Ethno-STEM based Learning Center. Lessons are conducted online for two hours and during the webinar activity. Learning consists of presenting material, question-answer, and the evaluating of the training process and results using the google form application. The learning activities were attended by 128 participants from 69 universities, 14 schools, and 4 non-educational institutions. The evaluation results of the evaluation show that the implementation of the secondary metabolite learning model from Taxus sumatrana is very satisfying, engaging, creates curiosity, and motivates to understand STEM literacy and local culture. Besides, an evaluation of the material mastery shows a moderate average score of 12.53 from a maximum score of 20.00.

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