
Low energy mono-atomic singly charged secondary ion emissions from Ti, V, Cu, Ag and Au substrates during the initial stages of sputtering with Cs + primary ions have been studied. With the exception of the Ag − secondary ions, all exhibited exponential like correlations with the Cs induced work function changes. This, along with the lack of variations in the valence band structure around the Fermi edge, is consistent with resonance charge transfer to/from states located at the Fermi edge. The insensitivity of Ag − to work function appears to stem from the dominance of a separate ion formation process, namely charge transfer into vacant 4d states in the sputtered population, which themselves appear to be produced through collective oscillations. A similar excitation-mediated process involving different levels also appears to be active in the formation of other negatively charged transition metal ions, albeit to a much lesser degree.

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