
Secondary evergreen broadleaved forests are precious remnants for biodiversity conservation and templates for sustainable management of natural forests in subtropical China. Floristic composition, size structure, and spatial pattern of dominant tree species have been investigated for a subtropical secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in the Huitong Yingzuijie National Forest Reserve, Hunan, China. The location of all trees greater than 4 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were mapped within a 0.96-ha plot in which species, DBH, and total tree height were recorded. Ripley's K(t) function was used to analyze spatial patterns and associations. The secondary forest consisted of 74 tree species and 1,596 stems per hectare. A reverse-J shaped DBH classes distribution was observed for all stems and trees of later seral species whereas trees of earlier successional species were distributed irregularly. Significant aggregated spatial patterns were observed for all trees within the forest and for conspecific trees of each dominant species. This result, and a repulsive spatial pattern for interspecific trees of Choerospondias axillaries and Cyclobalanopsis glauca against other dominant tree species, support segregation hypothesis. Contributions of seed dispersal, topographic heterogeneity, and competition to spatial patterns of conspecific trees vary depending on tree species. Attractive spatial pattern among interspecific trees of Liquidambar fortunei, Liquidambar formosana, and Pinus massoniana reflects stochastic colonization of pioneer tree species and a facilitation relationship. Although deciduous species are long-lived and persist over long successional processes, they will eventually be replaced by late seral evergreen species within the secondary forest if no disturbance events occur.

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