
By studying and modelling the behaviour of Dictyostelium discoideum, we aim at deriving mechanisms useful for engineering collective artificial intelligence systems. This paper discusses a selection of agent-based models reproducing second-order behaviour of Dictyostelium discoideum, occurring during the migration phase; their corresponding biological illustrations; and how we used them as an inspiration for transposing this behaviour into swarms of Kilobots. For the models, we focus on: (1) the transition phase from first- to second-order emergent behaviour; (2) slugs’ uniform distribution around a light source; and (3) the relationship between slugs’ speed and length occurring during the migration phase of the life cycle of D. discoideum. Results show the impact of the length of the slug on its speed and the effect of ammonia on the distribution of slugs. Our computational results show similar behaviour to our biological experiments, using Ax2(ka) strain. For swarm robotics experiments, we focus on the transition phase, slugs’ chaining, merging and moving away from each other.

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