
Background/Aim: In developing countries the standard quadruple therapy containing metronidazole results in suboptimal eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori (<75%). In a retrospective study, we undertook to evaluate efficacy and tolerability of a furazolidone-based regimen (omeprazole, furazolidone, bismuth, and tetracycline) in patients who had previously failed the standard metronidazole-based regimen (omeprazole, metronidazole, bismuth, and amoxicillin). Methods: The records of H. pylori infected patients who were referred to outpatient clinic (from March 1999 to August 1999) and who underwent previous eradication regimens were studied. A total of 320 cases were noted to have received a metronidazole-based quadruple regimen. From these 320 patients, 80 were noted to have failed this regimen based on a urea breath test. These 80 patients were enrolled in the study and given the furazolidone-based regimen. Side effects were assessed at follow-up visits. At least 2 months after the end of each therapy regimen, a <sup>14</sup>C-urea test was performed in each subject to document the cure of the patients. Results: A total of 80 patients (39 males and 41 females) with a mean age of 43.8 ± (SD) 13.3 years were studied. The H. pylori eradication rate was 90% with the furazolidone-based regimen. The side effects of this regimen were minor. Conclusions: A furazolidone-based regimen is effective in patients who do not achieve cure of H. pylori infection with the metronidazole-based quadruple therapy. In areas where the metronidazole resistance is high, initial therapy with a furazolidone-based regimen is recommended.

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