
THE second International Congress for Microbiology will be held in London on July 25-August 1 under the presidency of Prof. J. C. G. Ledingham. The headquarters of the Congress will be at University College, Gower Street, W.C.I, but additional accommodation, if required, will be available in the adjacent buildings of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Wellcome Research Institution. During the Congress week, official receptions will be given by His Majesty's Government, by the Royal Society and other official bodies. Excursions have been arranged by the Ladies' Committee for the ladies and any members of Congress desiring to take part in them. Also the Sectional Committees are arranging visits to laboratories and institutes concerned with the scientific business of the sections. Extended excursions are being arranged for the two week-ends over which the Congress extends. The scientific business of the Congress will be conducted in the following eight sections: General Biology of Micro-organisms; Viruses and Virus Diseases in Animals and Plants; Bacteria and Fungi in Relation to Disease in Man, Animals and Plants; Economic Bacteriology Soil, Dairying and Industrial Microbiology; Medical, Veterinary and Agricultural Zoology and Parasitology; Serology and Immunochemistry; Microbiological Chemistry; Specific Immunisation in the Control of Human and Animal Disease. A comprehensive programme of discussions within these sections has been prepared, full particulars of which are given in the preliminary programme of the Congress which has recently been published and distributed. Copies of this programme are available from the Hon. General Secretary, Dr. R. St. John-Brooks, Lister Institute, Chelsea Bridge Road, London, S.W.1.

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