
This study evaluates the effects of the second home phenomenon in the Caspian Sea region of Iran. The unique spatial characteristics of this region have made it a magnet for domestic and international tourists. The region has been experiencing high growth of second home tourism development and exacerbated population growth, especially in the last three decades. However, absence of a proactive strategic planning and clear development policy in the context of a deliberate governance has resulted in numerous environmental problems in this unique and pristine region. This study aimed to explore the governance of processes of development and potential impacts of this mode of tourism in the Caspian Sea region. With the present mode of development, it is assumed irreversible loss of flora and fauna of this region is highly probable. The scale of such a mode of tourism and its impact was investigated through a qualitative research method based on in-depth interviews (focused interview), in the context of phronesis planning research. The findings revealed that second home tourism growth has been based on a laissez-faire development approach, where clear policy and planning are in deficit. Furthermore, study revealed that second home tourism is dominated by vested interests of Real Estate firms from outside of the region (i.e., an exogenous force with market oriented agenda); who are also receiving favors from local government officials. Alas, ‘publics’, as a legitimate stakeholder, has no input and influence in the process of second home development. The term ‘publics’ refers to the identifiable stakeholders whose role in the environmental governance of the region has been bypassed. The study has also concluded that the present trajectory of second home development undermines the region's environmental quality, social and cultural identity, and sustainable economic prosperity.

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