
In this paper, we give the covariant formulation of second gradient electrodynamics, which is a generalized electrodynamics of second order including derivatives of higher order. The relativistic form of the field equations, the energy–momentum tensor and the Lorentz force density are presented. For a point charge, the generalized Liénard–Wiechert potentials and the corresponding electromagnetic field strength tensor are given as retarded integral expressions. Explicit formulas for the electromagnetic potential vector and electromagnetic field strength tensor of a uniformly moving point charge are found without any singularity and discontinuity. In addition, a world-line integral expression for the self-force of a charged point particle is given. The relativistic equation of motion of a charged particle coupled with electromagnetic fields in second gradient electrodynamics is derived, which is an integro-differential equation with nonlocality in time. For a uniformly accelerated charge, explicit formulas of the self-force and the electromagnetic mass, being non-singular, are given. Moreover, the wave propagation and the dispersion relations in the vacuum of second gradient electrodynamics are analyzed. Three modes of waves were found: one non-dispersive wave as in Maxwell electrodynamics, and two dispersive waves similar to the wave propagation in a collisionless plasma.

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