
To the Editor: —M.D., Illinois, inquires as to the possibility of a second birth with spina bifida in the same mother. From the literature available it seems to be a rare occurrence and I assured a mother that she need not worry over a second spina bifida. The following case explains my predicament: Mrs. H. G., aged 28, American, with family history negative, except that the husband has a large nevus vasculosus on the side of the head, was never seriously ill. She had one child, now 8 years of age, normal. There was transverse laceration of the cervix, with slight erosion. The uterus and adnexa were normal. Both husband and wife gave negative Wassermann reactions. July 23, 1924, she was delivered at term of a baby with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. The baby lived thirty minutes. April 28, 1926, she was delivered at term of a baby with spina

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