
In this short review of the three-day meeting on AIDS vaccine development where numerous scientific advances were described for the first time, it is nearly impossible to capture all of the highlights. Thus, areas such as advances in vaccine adjuvant development, standardized challenge pools for vaccine testing, novel approaches with retroviral vectors for construction of target cells for cellular immune assays, summaries from all of the international AIDS vaccine development programmes, and other topics which were covered at the meeting are not discussed above. In closing the meeting, W. Koff (NIAID) noted that 1989 represented the turning point for AIDS vaccine development, that pessimism had given way to cautious optimism, and that the fundamental focus had changed from 'if a vaccine could be developed' to 'when'. While several challenges still remain in the path toward development of a safe and effective vaccine, the meeting served both to focus the direction of the research agenda for the next year and to build new and stronger collaborations among the international network of scientists dedicated to the common goal of developing a safe and effective AIDS vaccine.

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