
Seborrheic (say: seb-uh-ree-uh) dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition presenting as dry whitish scales or greasy scales. Can involve the scalp, eyebrows, forehead, face, trunk, or skin folds. Dandruff and cradle cap are both forms of seborrheic dermatitis. The severity of seborrheic dermatitis can be lessened by controlling the risk factors and by paying careful attention to skin care. Seborrheic dermatitis of the eyelid margin usually responds to gentle cleaning of the lid margins nightly as needed, with undiluted Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo using a cotton swab. Remove thick scales by applying warm olive or mineral oil and then wash off several hours later with Dawn washing detergent and a soft bristle tooth-brush. For dense scalp scaling, 10% Liquor Carbonic Detergents (LCD) in nivea oil may be used at bedtime, covering the head with a shower cap. This should be done nightly for 1-3 weeks. Once controlled, washing with zinc soaps or selenium lotion with periodic use of steroid cream will help maintain remission. Recently, creams classified as topical immune modulators are being used which suppresses the immune system to treat inflammation. Further, it is thought that sunlight improves seborrheic dermatitis. In some persons, the condition gets better in the summer, especially after outdoor activities.

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