
Sebastianus Majewski e un artista polacco, poco noto, che intorno al 1620 si trasferi in Abruzzo, stabilendosi a Teramo, dove nel 1628 si sposo e dove sono documentati i suoi figli. Intorno al 1620 fu chiamato a Teramo a realizzare l'altare maggiore della cattedrale, rinnovato in occasione dei cinquecento anni dalla morte del Santo. Il pittore dipinse sei tele raffiguranti la Vita e Miracoli del patrono S. Berardo e una Sacra Famiglia , inserite in una cornice barocca, oggi addossata alla parete di fondo della sacrestia della cattedrale dell'Assunta e San Berardo di Teramo. Il saggio rende noto questo interessante artista periferico e la sua maggiore opera d'arte. Sebastianus Majewski is a Polish artist, little known, that around 1620 moved to Abruzzo, settling in Teramo, where in 1628 he married and where his sons are documented. Around 1620 the painter was called to Teramo, to paint the hig altar of the Cathedral, renewed on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of the saint. The painter painted six canvases depicting the Life and Miracles of the patron Saint Berard and a Holy Family , set in a baroque frame, now standing against the wall of the sacristy of the Cathedral of the Assumption and Saint Berardo of Teramo. The essay makes note this interesting peripheral artist and his main work of art. The artist began his journey in Italy in the first decade of the 17 th century. Starting from Cracovia, he made a stop in Vienna, to then continue on towards Venice, Bologna and then, following the Adriatic coast, arrived in Abruzzo, going down to the chietino. It is very likely that the young painter was called to Teramo at the beginning of the 17 th century, the anniversary of the death of Saint Berardo. From this moment on, he settled in the city and, in 1628, was united in matrimony with Cesarea Vannemarini, a very prominent family of Teramo. He noted that, five hundred years after the death of the Saint, the painter was commissioned to portray Saint Berardo in the six paintings depicting the Vita e Miracoli del patrono S. Berardo Life and Miracles of the patron Saint Berardo . Along with the coping with the Holy Family , they adorn the altar in fine walnut of the Baroque style leaning against the wall of the sacristy of the cathedral SS. Mary of the Assumption and Berardo of Teramo.

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