
The research objectives were to investigate the distribution and molluscs community structure in Mertasari beach, Denpasar-Bali. The research area was divided into 2 sites, the first site (I) has sandy substrate and second site (II) has muddy sand substrate. This research used quadrat transects systematic sampling method with 1x1 m2 quadrat. The data of the research were analyzed used Microsoft Excel. It was conducted from January to March 2017. The research result shows that the structure of molluscs in Mertasari Beach was support by 31 species richness of 25 species from gastropods and 6 species of bivalves. The density number of the molluscs was 124.5 ind/m2. The diversity index of the molluscs ranged from 2.29 to 2.58 were category as moderate diversity, the evenness index ranged 0.83 to 0.87 were category as high evenness, the dominance index ranged from 0.09-0.13 were category as low. the index number indicates that the ecological condition at Mertasari beach was in good condition so it is suitable to support the molluscs community livelihood. Which was supported by water quality value of dissolved oxygen at Mertasari beach ranged from 4-6.7 mg/l, pH waters ranged from 7.39-7.74, water temperature ranged from 25.9-29oC, water salinity ranged from 9-29 ppt. The distribution pattern of 31 species of molluscs were in groups (Id>1).


  • The research objectives were to investigate the distribution and molluscs community structure in Mertasari beach, Denpasar-Bali

  • The research area was divided into 2 sites

  • It was conducted from January to March 2017

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Kota Denpasar memiliki panjang pantai 36,5 km, beberapa pantai yang terdapat di Kota Denpasar yaitu Pantai Karang, Pantai Batu Jimbar, Pantai Sanur, Pantai Semawang, dan Pantai Mertasari. Pantai Mertasari memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam yang melimpah seperti mangrove, lamun, terumbu karang dan biota perairan lainnya. Tipe substrat dasar perairan adalah lumpur berpasir, pasir bercampur pecahan karang, sehingga cukup banyak jenis moluska yang dapat hidup di Pantai Mertasari tersebut. Pengetahuan mengenai aspek ekologi yang berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan moluska sangat diperlukan untuk pengelolaan yang tepat, sehingga kelangsungan hidup organisme dan kelangsungan produktivitas perairan dapat tetap terjaga. Dampak pencemaran terhadap organisme perairan yaitu menurunnya kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman hayati pada perairan salah satunya adalah komunitas moluska (Zahidin, 2008). Kajian tentang aspek ekologi moluska yang berada di perairan Pantai Mertasari sangat diperlukan sebagai indikator untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan di Pantai Mertasari dengan mengkaji sebaran dan struktur komunitas moluska dan faktor-faktor lingkungan yang dapat mempengaruhi kehidupannya

Waktu dan Tempat
Pengambilan sampel
Indeks Dominansi
Kelimpahan Jenis Moluska
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