
The phenology of Protea neriifolia cultivated in the eastern Transvaal highlands (summer rainfall area) was studied. Shoot growth occurred from July to February and flowering extended from January to July. There were no seasonal patterns in litter production or decomposition. Shoot growth and flowering occurred several months earlier than in plants in their natural habitat in the south-western Cape. The results are discussed in terms of a current model describing the growth of mediterranean heathland plants on highly leached nutrient poor soils. Pruning procedures to maximize lateral shoot and flower production for commercial exploitation are recommended. Die fenologie van Protea neriifolia wat in die Oos-Transvaalse hoëveld (somerreënval-gebied) verbou word, is bestudeer. Lote het gegroei vanaf Julie tot Februarie, en die blomperiode het gestrek vanaf Januarie tot Julie. Daar was geen seisoenale patroon van afvalproduksie of ontbinding nie. Lootgroei en blom het etlike maande vroeër plaasgevind as in plante in hulle natuurlike habitat in die Suidwes-Kaap. Die resultate word bespreek in die lig van ’n kontemporêre model wat die groei van mediterreense heide-plantegroei op ’n hoogs-uitgeloogde substraat wat arm aan voedingstowwe is beskryf. Snoeimetodes vir maksimale produksie van laterale lote en kommersiële snyblomme word aanbeveel.

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