
A study of the isotopic composition of plankton from Woods Hole Harbor was conducted to investigate seasonal variation in carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in a shallow coastal environment. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen both showed temporal variation on the scale of weeks to months, with heaviest (most positive) values in summer to fall for both isotopes. Particulate organic matter (POM) δ13C values were highest (−19‰ to −21‰) in August to November and lower (−21‰ to −25‰) at other times of the year, while δ13N-POM values were highest (9.5‰ to 12‰) in March to September and lower (7.5‰ to 9.5‰) at other times of the year. Stable isotopic values were significantly correlated with temperature, DI13C, and C∶N ratios, but not with [DIC], [POC], [PN], [chlorophyll], or the taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton. There was no direct evidence of allochthonous inputs of carbon and nitrogen to the system. Woods Hole δ13C values were virtually identical to Georges Bank plankton values; similar POC: Chlorophyll and C∶N ratios in the two systems further suggest that Woods Hole Harbor is principally a marine system. The high δ13C values of net plankton (>20 μm) during summer and early fall are consistent with a smaller degree of photosynthetic isotopic fractionation at that time, related to temperature and/or [CO2(aq)]. This pattern was not seen, however, in total POM. Plankton δ13N values were higher in Woods Hole Harbor than on Georges Bank, especially during warmer periods, possibly due to high rates of nitrification and organic matter recycling in Woods Hole waters. Relatively wide ranges of stable isotopic values from both Woods Hole Harbor and Georges Bank suggest that seasonality should be considered when attempting to establish endmember C and N isotopic values for temperate marine plankton. Preliminary results from size-fractionated samples suggest that cyanobacteria may fractionate carbon isotopes to a greater degree than net phytoplankton.

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