
Data from 6 temperature sections are combined with other SEQUAL/FOCAL data along 4°W from the coast (5°N) to 3°S to study the seasonal variation of the temperature field in the Gulf of Guinea during 1983. The equatorial upwelling begins during mid‐April approximately 1 1/2 months before the climatic mean but has a normal amplitude and duration. The upwelling on the coast at Abidjan occurs approximately 1 1/2 months after the equatorial upwelling and precedes its climatic mean by 2 weeks. At the equator vertical displacements of isotherms within the thermostad are complicated by an anomalous warming of the thermostad in May. Between the thermostad and the deeper thermocline at 230 m the seasonal isotherm displacement amplitude has a minimum. At greater depths it increases again. In all respects the fluctuation of the thermal field at the equator is similar to the climatic mean but displaced forward in time by 1 1/2 months.

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