
Identification of food web linkages is a major aim in ecology because it provides basic information on trophic flows and the potential for interspecific interactions. In addition, policy and restoration measures mandated to conform to ecosystem-based management principals can benefit from information on temporal and spatial variability in community-level interactions. Here, we analyzed guild structure of the demersal fish assemblage in Puget Sound, WA, a temperate estuarine system on the US west coast. Using diet information from 2,401 stomachs collected across three seasons (fall, winter, and summer), we identified guild membership for 21 fish species, examined seasonal guild switching, and tested for seasonal shifts in predation and for differences in the degree of diet overlap at the assemblage level. We accounted for ontogenetic variation in diet by dividing species into large (L) and small (S) size classes when appropriate. Using cluster analysis and a permutation approach, we identified seven significant guilds that were typified by predation on benthic invertebrates, pelagic invertebrates, and piscivory. Of the 18 species with more than one season of diet information, six switched guilds (Pacific sanddab L, sturgeon poacher, Pacific tomcod S, speckled sanddab, rex sole, and rock sole S). At the assemblage level, we tested for seasonal differences in prey use between seasons by performing an analysis of similarities based on Bray–Curtis diet similarities and found no significant difference. However, diet overlap was significantly higher in the summer than the fall and winter (with summer > fall > winter) indicating that diets within the assemblage converged in the summer. These results indicate that analyses of guild structure and diet overlap can reveal seasonal variation in community trophic structure and highlight intra-annual food web variation in the Puget Sound demersal fish community.

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