
We tested for seasonal plasticity of the peripheral auditory system of three North American members of the Sylvioidea: Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis), tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor), and white-breasted nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis). We measured three classes of auditory evoked responses (AER) to tone stimuli: sustained receptor/neural responses to pure-tone condensation waveforms, the frequency-following response (FFR), and the earliest peak of the AER to stimulus onset (tone onset response). Seasonal changes were detected in all classes of AERs in chickadees and nuthatches. Seasonal changes in titmice were restricted to the tone onset response. Interestingly, changes detected in chickadees (and to a lesser extent in titmice) were generally in an opposite direction to changes seen in nuthatches, with chickadees exhibiting greater amplitude AER responses in the spring than in winter, and nuthatches exhibiting greater amplitude AER responses in winter than in spring. In addition, the seasonal differences in the sustained responses tended to be broad-band in the chickadees but restricted to a narrower frequency range in nuthatches. In contrast, seasonal differences in the onset response were over a broader frequency range in titmice than in chickadees and nuthatches. We discuss some possible mechanistic and functional explanations for these seasonal changes.

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