
This study was conducted at Thi-Qar Governorate, Al-Shatrah district, Al-Bidaah region, in Iraq during two seasons winter (from Dec-Feb, 01.12.2021 to 01.03.2022), and summer (Jun-Aug from 01.06 to 01.09. 2022). The quantity and composition of milk of water buffaloes for Fat, Solid-Not-Fat (SNF) Protein and Lactose) were studies. Seventy (70) dairy buffaloes of different ages, in second parity among two seasons were used, and their productivity was monitored for a full lactation (from birth to dryness). Milk samples were taken periodically, once every two weeks, at a rate of 100 ml for each sample. The results of the study showed a significant (P<0.05) superiority for the winter season in the amount of milk produced daily and monthly compared to the summer season, and the average daily and monthly milk quantity for winter and summer seasons were as 0.26±8.03, 7.75±240.36, 0.18±4.60, 5.44±137.5, respectively. As for the main components of milk (fat, SNF protein and lactose, a significant effect of the season appeared on the main components of milk, where the winter season was significantly superior (P < 0.05) in all studied traits compared to the summer season, and the average percentages of fat reached the SNF, protein and lactose in the winter and summer seasons were as follows: (0.47±5.92, 0.45±8.77, 0.013±3.21, 0.25±4.93) (0.49±4.31, 0.46±7.30, 0.017±2.70, 0.72±4.17), respectively. it can be concluded that season strongly affects milk yield, fat and also protein of water buffaloes in Iraqi climatic conditions

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