
Non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) are energetic compounds that can be accumulated in tissues and mobilized during periods of unfavorable conditions to maintain the biological functions of plants. The balance of these biochemical compounds is controlled by environmental factors such as temperature and irradiance. Zostera noltei and Zostera marina find one of their southern distribution limits in southern Spain, where relatively high seawater temperatures are reached during summer (23–24 °C). To better understand the effects of elevated temperatures on the concentration of NSCs, we conducted a seasonal study at Cadiz Bay, representing warm-adapted populations of these species. Our results showed a bimodal pattern in both species, with the highest NSC content observed in December and June, followed by a depletion in March and August. In addition, the NSC content observed in the leaves of Z. noltei (71.26 ± 30.77 mg g−1 dry weight) was higher than in the rhizomes and roots (52.14 ± 38.86 mg g−1 DW). The observed patterns suggest that these species accumulated NSCs to cope with periods of unfavorable environmental conditions. We also suggest that the limited concentration of NSCs in Z. noltei rhizomes and roots indicates that this population may be suffering physiological stress.

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