
The mongoose is a small carnivore that exhibits a distinct seasonal rhythm in reproductive activity. Feral mongooses were trapped alive on the island of Oahu (Hawaii) between May 1977 and December 1979. The animals were autopsied shortly after capture and testes and prostate glands were weighed and serum collected for later measurement of androgen, LH, and FSH. The validations of radioimmunoassays for mongoose LH and FSH are described. Testes and prostate gland weights were significantly larger during the breeding season than during the inactive season. Serum androgen, LH, and FSH levels were significantly higher during the breeding season than during the inactive season. Significant annual variations were found in testes and prostate gland weights and serum androgen and FSH levels. During testicular regression (August to September) changes in gonadotropin levels paralleled changes in serum androgen levels; however, during the recrudescence phase (December to February) gonadotropin levels appeared to rise much more rapidly than serum androgen levels. Possible factors involved in the regulation of the seasonal pattern in serum gonadotropin levels and testicular activity are discussed.

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