
The female reproductive cycle of the freshwater soft-shelled turtle Lissemys punctata punctata was studied by correlating ovarian growth with changes in plasma levels of steroids (17β-estradiol and progesterone), vitellogenic indices (calcium, lipid, protein, and cholesterol), and oviductal changes (growth, glycogen, and peroxidase levels). Ovarian growth starts after winter hibernation, proceeds slowly during the preparatory phase (March–June), becomes rapid in the recrudescent phase (July), and peaks in the breeding phase (August–September). Subsequently, the follicles undergo atresia in the regressive phase (October–November), which is followed by the quiescent phase (December–February) marked by negligible ovarian growth. Plasma levels of 17β-estradiol and vitellogenic indices reflect the same pattern of change as ovarian growth. The plasma progesterone concentration remains low throughout the reproductive cycle, except that the titre reaches a postovulatory peak and then declines prior to oviposition. Oviductal mass and glycogen and peroxidase concentrations correspond to changes in plasma estradiol concentration. The findings indicate that the seasonal reproductive cycle of L. p. punctata is characterized by a single annual peak of ovarian growth and estrogen secretion compared with a double peak recorded in other single-clutch turtles.

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