
The endocrine regulation of gonadal development and annual variation of key sex steroids is the basic knowledge to understand the reproductive cycle of teleost fish. Present study was aimed to investigate the levels of gonadotropins in relation to the follicular development and plasma steroids during the reproductive cycle of female Trichogaster fasciata. Female fish were sampled and ovarian development is described histologically throughout the year in relation to the seasonal variations of gonadosomatic index (GSI); follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH); three key steroids for folliculogenesis and maturation i.e. testosterone (T), 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α20βdihydroxy4pregnen3one (17,20β-P). Relatively higher level of FSH was observed till the ovary reaches in late vitellogenic stage confirms that FSH regulates the early folliculogenesis of the ovary, whereas LH peak was observed in the postvitellogenic stage, which indicates that maturation and ovulation were controlled by LH. Seasonal steroid profiles show that both T and E2 reach its maximum level prior to the 17,20β-P which attain its peak value in the month of August. Thus, single peak values of LH and 17,20β-P coinciding with GSI peak, clearly indicates that T. fasciata breeds only once in a year. Furthermore, to elucidate the molecular basis of the reproductive cycle, this study analyzes the other key factors of ovarian function such as cyp19a1a gene expression, aromatase activity and SF-1 localization throughout the year. cyp19a1a gene expression and the aromatase activity were highest in vitellogenic stages indicate that relatively higher E2 production in this stage is regulated by FSH. Immunohistochemical localizations of aromatase and SF-1 in the cellular layer of oocytes demonstrated that aromatase is FSH-dependent and SF-1 could be regulated by both FSH and LH as relatively higher amount of aromatase was localized in the vitellogenic stage oocytes than the postvitellogenic and post germinal vesicle breakdown (post-GVBD) stages; whereas, high amount of SF-1 was observed in vitellogenic, postvitellogenic and post-GVBD stages. These data regarding the reproductive endocrinology of T. fasciata may be useful to understand the interaction between gonadotropins, steroids, aromatase and SF-1 in teleost fishes and may contribute to restoration of the ecologically important fish through artificial reproduction.

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