
Males of eight species of clearwing moths were collected in pheromone-baited traps placed in commercial nursery, urban, and forest habitats in eastern and middle Tennessee during 1987 and 1988. Seasonal flight activity was recorded for Podosesia syringae (Harris), lilac borer; Paranthrene simulans “palmii” (Grote), an oak borer; Synanthedon scitula , dogwood borer; Synanthedon rhododendri (Beutenmuller), rhododendron borer; Synanthedon exitiosa (Say), peachtree borer; Synanthedon fatifera Hodges, a viburnum borer; Synanthedon acerni (Clemens), maple callus borer; and Synanthedon decipiens (Hy. Edwards), a borer of cynipid galls on oak. The dogwood borer exhibited bimodal emergence with the first peak occurring in mid-May and the second in the beginning of August. In the forest, the rhododendron borer exhibited bimodal emergence. The dogwood borer and peachtree borer were not collected in the forest habitat.

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