
Abstract Multimodel techniques have proven useful in improving forecast skill in many applications, including hydrology. Seasonal hydrologic forecasting in large basins represents a special case of hydrologic modeling, in which postprocessing techniques such as temporal aggregation and time-varying bias correction are often employed to improve forecast skill. To investigate the effects that these techniques have on the performance of multimodel averaging, the performance of three hydrological models [Variable Infiltration Capacity, Sacramento/Snow-17, and the Noah land surface model] and two multimodel averages [simple model average (SMA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) with monthly varying model weights] are examined in three snowmelt-dominated basins in the western United States. These evaluations were performed for both simulating and forecasting [using the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) method] monthly discharge, with and without monthly bias corrections. The single best bias-corrected model outperformed the multimodel averages of raw models in both retrospective simulations and ensemble mean forecasts in terms of RMSE. Forming an MLR multimodel average from bias-corrected models added only slight improvements over the best bias-corrected model. Differences in performance among all bias-corrected models and multimodel averages were small. For ESP forecasts, both bias correction and multimodel averaging generally reduced the RMSE of the ESP ensemble means at lead times of up to 6 months in months when flow is dominated by snowmelt, with the reduction increasing as lead time decreased. The primary reason for this is that aggregating simulated streamflows from daily to monthly time scales increases model cross correlation, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of multimodel averaging in reducing those components of model error that bias correction cannot address. This effect may be stronger in snowmelt-dominated basins because the interannual variability of winter precipitation is a common input to all models. It was also found that both bias correcting and multimodel averaging using monthly varying parameters yielded much greater error reductions than methods using time-invariant parameters.

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