
Abstract Accurate and reliable seasonal forecasts are important for water and energy supply management. Recognizing the important role of snow water equivalent (SWE) for water management, here we include the seasonal forecast of SWE in addition to precipitation (P) and 2-m temperature (T2m) over hydrologically defined regions of the western United States. A two-stage process is applied to seasonal predictions from two models (NCEP CFSv2 and ECMWF SEAS5) through 1) postprocessing to remove biases in the mean, variance, and ensemble spread and 2) further reducing the residual errors by linear regression using climate indices. The adjusted forecasts from the two models are combined to form a superensemble using weights based on their prior skill. The adjusted forecasts are consistently improved over raw model forecasts probabilistically for all variables and deterministically for SWE forecasts. Overall skill of the superensemble usually improves upon the skill of forecasts from individual models; however, the percentage of seasons and regions with increased skill was approximately the same as those with decreased skill relative to the top performing postprocessed individual model. Seasonal SWE has the highest prediction skill, followed by T2m, with P showing lower prediction skill. Persistence contributes strongly to the skill of SWE and moderately to the skill of T2m. Furthermore, a distinct seasonality in the skill is seen in SWE, with a higher skill from late spring through early summer. Significance Statement Here we test the postprocessing of seasonal forecasts from two state-of-the-art seasonal prediction models for traditionally forecasted elements of precipitation and temperature as well as snowpack, which is important for water management. A two-stage procedure is utilized, including ocean and atmospheric teleconnection indices that have been shown to impact seasonal weather across the western United States. First, we adjust model output based on the average error in historic runs and then relate the remaining error to these teleconnection indices. A final step combines each adjusted model based on its historic performance. Forecasts are shown to improve upon the original models when assessed probabilistically. The snowpack forecasts perform better than temperature and precipitation forecasts with the best performance from late winter through early summer. Persistence is found to contribute strongly to the skill of snowpack and moderately to the skill of temperature.

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