
Abstract Seasonal effects on transplant establishment of balled-and-burlapped (B&B) shade trees are not well documented. Early post-transplant root growth and aboveground growth over a 3-year period were therefore determined for November-and March-transplanted northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and willow oak (Q. phellos L.). Survival of red oak was 100% for both treatments. Survival of November-and March-transplanted willow oak was 67% and 83%, respectively. No new root growth was observed outside or within the root balls of either species upon excavation in January. New root growth was evident when trees of both species were excavated in April, indicating that root system regeneration of November-transplanted trees occurs in late winter and/or early spring, not late fall and/or early winter. November-transplanted red oak, but not willow oak, grew more roots by spring bud break than March-transplanted trees. However, little difference in height growth and trunk expansion was evident between the November-and March-transplanted red oaks throughout the 3 years following transplant. While height growth of willow oak was nearly identical between treatments after 3 years, November transplants exhibited greater trunk diameter increase for all 3 years. Overall, season of transplant had little effect on height and trunk diameter increase of red oak, even though November-transplanted trees grew more roots prior to the first bud break following transplant. Among the willow oaks that survived, season of transplant had little effect on new root growth and height growth, but November transplanting resulted in greater trunk expansion. However, when the mortality rate of November-transplanted willow oak is taken into consideration, March may be a better time to transplant willow oak in climates similar to southwest Virginia.

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