
AbstractRainbow trout habitat use is often described in high‐gradient, runoff‐driven, heterotrophic streams where geomorphic features and overhanging riparian vegetation provide channel complexity and cover. However, many rainbow trout populations thrive in rivers with contrasting aquatic habitat. We describe rainbow trout habitat use in a low‐gradient, groundwater‐dominated tailwater river where river flow management and macrophyte growth and senescence largely govern available trout habitat. In the summers of 2013 and 2014, available aquatic habitat (depth, velocity, macrophyte cover, substrate size) was quantified, while individual trout location was determined by radio telemetry and linked to environmental variables. Detailed habitat surveys indicate that macrophyte cover increases throughout the summer and is a strong determinant of in‐stream habitat characteristics. Paired logistic regression shows that adult rainbow trout prefer greater depths. Water depth increases with macrophyte abundance at both reach and local scales as plants restrict flow, and available trout habitat is linked to this seasonal pattern. When macrophyte abundance is high, adult trout show secondary preference for localised areas of lower macrophyte cover but otherwise show no selectivity for macrophyte cover, velocity or substrate size. Results suggest that submerged aquatic plants increased the quantity and quality of rainbow trout habitat as a source of channel complexity and cover. Macrophytes may play a similar role in other low‐gradient streams and should not be overlooked by fisheries managers considering habitat suitability.

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