
The article describes the current state of populations of the Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus L.),one of the most dangerous pests of agricultural crops in the Mugalzhar district of the Aktobe region. Theannual dynamics of the local population of the Italian locust in this area is given according to the resultsof spring, spring-summer, summer and autumn systematic surveys in 2019 in agricultural areas. During the spring survey of 2.0 thousand hectares of state land in the rural districts of Enbek, Kumzhargan,Batpakkol, Taldysai and the K. Zhubanov, egg-pods of the Italian locust were found on 0.33 thousandhectares of the territory. Average density per 1 m2 was 4-4.8 individuals. The number of eggs in a testtube was 26-28. Larvae damaged 37-40% of the land. During the spring-summer monitoring of 20.0thousand hectares of land in this area, the spread of Italian locust larvae was observed on 0.06 thousandhectares. The density was 3-4 larvae per 1 m2. The appearance of larvae on the lands of the state reserveof the Enbekshi rural district was observed, while on the lands of the state reserve of the Kumzharganrural district, the Italian locust was observed during the fledging period. During the summer monitoring carried out to determine the time of mating and laying of eggs, on the territory of 90.0 thousand hectaresno adult locusts were observed. During autumn monitoring, no Italian locust larvae were found in theMugalzhar region. According to the results of monitoring and systematic observations in 2019, there iscurrently a decrease in the number of Italian locusts in the Mugalzhar region.Key words: Italian locust, population, monitoring, Mugalzhar district, egg-pod, dynamics

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