
Seasonal habitat use by nigorobuna Carassius auratus grandoculis Temminck et Schlegel and gengoroubuna Carassius cuvieri (Temminck et Schlegel) in Lake Biwa was investigated using acoustic telemetry. Twenty-three nigorobuna and 11 gengoroubuna specimens caught using set-nets in the lake’s south basin were surgically fitted with acoustic transmitters and then released. Signals from the fishes were recorded by 23 receivers installed around the lake. Between April and June 2007, the first spawning season after release, signals were received from all tagged fishes. Thereafter, until the second spawning season, signals were collected from 26 and 45% of released nigorobuna and gengoroubuna individuals, respectively. Seasonal habitat preferences for these species were studied by distance-based analysis. The analysis revealed that nigorobuna tended to stay near their spawning area in the south basin of the lake throughout the year, whilst gengoroubuna tended to show a seasonal migration pattern between the north and south basins. After the spawning season, the latter species migrated to the north basin where it remained until the next spawning season, when it returned to the south basin. This is the first report of seasonal migration of nigorobuna and gengoroubuna in Lake Biwa.

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