
The inhibin/activin subunits (α, βA and βB) have been found in epididymal tissue of many mammals, but there have been no data available for wild seasonal breeders so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunoreactivities of inhibin/activin α, βA and βB subunits in the epididymis of wild ground squirrels during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting were performed to detect the epididymal immunolocalizations and immunoreactivities of the three subunits. Strong immunostaining of α subunit was present in the interstitial part of the caput epididymis and epithelial parts of the corpus epididymis and cauda epididymis during the breeding season, whereas no α subunit was found in the nonbreeding season. βA and βB subunits were expressed in all cell types of the epithelium throughout the whole seasonal cycle, and immunostaining in the breeding season was likely stronger compared with that of the nonbreeding season. These results suggested that the epididymis might be a potential source of inhibin and activin in the wild male ground squirrel, and the secretion of epididymal inhibin and activin showed distinct seasonal changes. Furthermore, inhibin and activin might function as paracrine and/or autocrine factors that have an effect on the epididymis.

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