
Background of Study: The countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) task has been reported to have positive associations with golf-specific performance variables. Additionally, the CMJ is commonly used to assess neuromuscular fatigue in athletic populations. Objective: Thus, this investigation sought to examine the changes in CMJ performance throughout a competitive season in NCAA collegiate women’s golfers. Methods: Using a longitudinal study design, six collegiate women golfers completed three sessions (pre, mid, and post) of CMJ testing during the spring competition period. During each testing session, two successful jump trials were collected using a portable force platform sampling at 1000 Hz. During each trial, an arm swing was restricted by the use of a dowel placed across the upper back. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine if differences were present between testing sessions. Results: Propulsive net impulse significantly increased from pre to mid (p 0.05) and pre to post (p 0.05). No other variables showed a statistically significant change over the duration of the study, though moderate effect size increases were in countermovement depth from pre to mid-testing (0.73) and jump height from pre to post-testing (0.72). Conclusions: These findings support previous findings of an increase in vertical jump performance over the course of a season in collegiate golfers, though strategies for maximal performance may shift.

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