
Temporal and spatial variations of environmental and water quality parameters and their relations with macrobenthic flora were investigated in an eastern Mediterranean lagoon. Kaiafas is a mesohaline lagoon, which is influenced by point and diffused sources from the adjacent agricultural land and the nearby city. Water samples were analyzed for physicochemical parameters, microbial load and primary production, on a seasonal and spatial scale, while heavy metal concentrations were measured into two different sediment cores. An overall analysis of seasonal dynamics of water parameters and Chl-a based on trophic index TSI pointed out the lagoon as eutrophic. According to water quality parameters the lagoon was separated into two parts. The southern sector of the lagoon which was more affected by human activities showed higher nutrients, Chl-a, heavy metals and total Coliforms concentrations. Sediment texture and distribution of macrophytes were detected through the acoustic side scan sonar method, which proved to be a promising tool for defining and monitoring vegetation coverage of shallow lagoons. A number of distinct echo types and three different sediment types were revealed on the basis of the backscatter level and the variability of low and high backscatter areas. Furthermore, the extension and the coverage of Potamogeton pectinatus and Chara hispida f. corfuensis were successively depicted by combining the data of SSS and ground truthing samples. Meadows of P. pectinatus were established to the lagoon limits where high turbidity and silty substrate occurred, while C. hispida f. corfuensis was limited in deep and high transparent waters with sandy substrate.

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