
Argo float data supplemented with satellite measurements was used to study the seasonal and inter-annual variation in wind speed, sea surface temperature (SST) and mixed layer depth (MLD) of the southern Bay of Bengal from 2003 through 2010. Due to persistence of wind, clear sky and high insolation an increase in SST by about 2°C is evident during summer months (March-May) and is followed by shallowed MLD with a minimum depth of 9.3 m during summer 2004. MLD reached the maximum depth during monsoon season (November-December) and often extends to post monsoon (February) owing to strong monsoon wind, cloudy sky and SST plummeted by 3°C. During the inter-monsoon period (August-October) the MLD shallowed and maintained a depth of 20–30 m all through the study period. High wind accompanied with moderate temperature (SST) due to the south west monsoon leads to decreased MLD with an average depth of 44 m in July. Analysis of wind speed, SST and MLD suggested that out of various meteorological parameters wind speed and induced mixing are highly influential in MLD formation. Reduced occurrence and amplitude of MLD deepening noticed in recent years can be attributed to the evident climate change scenarios. Large scale upper ocean variability observed from the present study has innumerable antagonistic consequences on the marine ecosystem which is evident from various events of seagrass burns and coral bleaching which have occurred in the last decade.

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