
Seasonal and diel patterns of singing activity of Savi’s warblers (Locustella luscinioides) were studied in two areas of Central Europe 300 km apart, over a period of 18 years. We assess about 4,600 records of individuals singing. Males were found to exhibit similar singing activity in both study sites. They started to sing after arrival at the beginning of April and peaked from the end of April to the beginning of May. Thereafter, their singing activity was lower but more stable for a relatively long period from mid-May to mid-July. At the end of July, males sang only sporadically and singing activity ceased at the beginning of August. At the beginning and towards the end of the song-period males sang sporadically whereas in the period of the highest singing activity they sang over the entire 24-h period. During the whole song-period, there was a significant difference in singing activity between daylight and the dark (67.2 and 32.8%, respectively). However, the period of daylight was longer. Average singing activity showed similar levels in daylight and the dark with mean numbers of 5.9 and 6.6 males per hour, respectively. Major changes in singing activity were related to the twilight periods. There were distinctive dawn and dusk choruses. In the morning, Savi’s warblers exhibited similar levels of singing activity over 3 h of the dark before twilight, singing reached its highest level at twilight and 1 h after twilight. During the evening, singing activity reached its highest-level 1 h before twilight, while during twilight it was decreasing, with a considerable decline 1 h after nightfall.

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