
75 kHz ADCPs stationed near the 450-meter isobath within the Ocean Observatories Initiative Coastal Pioneer Array capture consistent patterns indicative of daily vertical migration (DVM) in depth profiles of both mean volume backscatter (MVB) and the vertical component of velocity (w). While the presence of DVM patterns is consistent throughout 2018 and 2019, attributes of MVB and w profiles are subject to variability within and across different seasons and years. This variability may be influenced by abiotic factors characteristic of the Mid-Atlantic Bight region such as the disruption of typical spring time temperature-salinity structures via frontal instability or the episodic introduction of warm-core rings. Additionally, biological community composition in the region may be reflected in MVB and w profiles given zooplankton survey data and knowledge of seasonal biophysical dynamics in the region, along with measured variability of other environmental properties observed by the Pioneer Array including dissolved oxygen concentration, chlorophyll-a concentration, and photosynthetically available radiation. Linking all of these factors, driven by long-term, stationary acoustical observations, can provide a useful framework for more directly assessing the impacts of aberrational physical phenomena on regional biological patterns.

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