
This study aimed to analyze the diet and trophic niche breadth of an insectivorous bat very common in an urban environment in southern Brazil. To analyze the feeding habit of Molossus rufus, it was necessary to collect fecal samples in urban colonies in the city of Maringá, State of Paraná. Samplings occurred from November 2018 to September 2019, including rainy and dry seasons. The fragments found in the samples were identified up to the level of order or family whenever possible. Percentage of volume and frequency of occurrence, Feeding Index (IAi%), PERMANOVA, and trophic niche breadth were used. Thus, a total of 140 samples were obtained, 92 for the rainy season and 48 for the dry season. In terms of percentage of volume, the diet consisted mainly of Hymenoptera (46.9%) in the rainy season and Coleoptera (39.2%) in the dry season. The results for standardized trophic niche breadth were Ba = 0.36 for the rainy season and Ba = 0.37 in the dry season, indicating a low food diversity. In conclusion, there was a food preference on the part of M. rufus according to the season evaluated, with Hymenoptera and Coleoptera being the most relevant dietary items.

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