
In this report the prevalence (total and seasonal) and something of the host-parasite relationships are discussed for eleven genera of duck parasites. The data presented resulted from examination of 104 ducks during a period of one year. In calculating percentages of infection, species of ducks were not considered separately as there is practically no evidence of host specificity. The examinations were made at the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary near Augu ta, Michigan. About one-half of the ducks were obtained there, and the remainder from various localities in the State. The following species of ducks are represented in the host list: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) both wild and domestic; black duck (A. rubripes); pintail (Dafila acuta); green-winged teal (Nettion carolinensis); blue-winged teal (Querquedula discors); widgeon (Mareca americana); lesser scaup (Nyroca affinis); greater scaup (Nyroca marila); ring-necked duck (Nyroca collaris); redhead (Nyroca americana); canvasback (Nyroca valisineria); and American goldeneye (Glaucionetta clangula americana). The genera of parasites involved are as follows: (Trematoda), Echinostoma,

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