
for finding basic biomedical research and clinical science information. Produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and spanning 1966 to the present, it contains more than 11 million citations from 4,300 journals worldwide. Each citation includes a number of fields, including author, title, journal title, medical subject headings (MeSHs), and abstract. More than 70% of the citations include an abstract, but MEDLINE currently does not include the full text of journal articles. MEDLINE is available a number of ways: through fee-based vendors, through a variety of Web interfaces either free or for a fee, and directly from the NLM. The NLM offers MEDLINE through 2 interfaces, Internet Grateful Med (IGM) and PubMed. IGM at igm.nlm.nih.gov offers access to a number of databases, including MEDLINE [F1]. IGM users can conduct searches in a variety of AIDS databases, HealthSTAR (which focuses on health care delivery and administration), BIOETHICSLINE (which focuses on the ethical aspects of health care), and a number of other databases. IGM will be retired in phases in the coming months, to 6. Bertina RM. Molecular risk factors for thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 1999;82:601-609.

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