
ABSTRACT The connection between the escape fraction of ionizing photons (fesc) and star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR) is a key input for reionization models, but remains untested at high redshift. We analyse 35 z ∼ 3 galaxies from the Keck Lyman Continuum Survey (KLCS) covered by deep, rest far-UV spectra of the Lyman continuum (LyC) and high-resolution HST V606 imaging, enabling estimates of both fesc and rest-UV sizes. Using Sérsic profile fits to HST images and spectral-energy distribution fits to multiband photometry, we measure effective sizes and SFRs for the galaxies in our sample, and separate the sample into two bins of ΣSFR. Based on composite spectra, we estimate 〈fesc〉 for both ΣSFR subsamples, finding no significant difference in 〈fesc〉 between the two. To test the representativeness of the KLCS HST sample and robustness of this result, we attempt to recover the well-established correlation between fesc and Lyα equivalent width. This correlation is not significant within the KLCS HST sample, indicating that the sample is insufficient for correlating fesc and galaxy properties such as ΣSFR. We perform stacking simulations using the KLCS parent sample to determine the optimal sample size for robust probes of the fesc-ΣSFR connection to inform future observing programs. For a program with a selection independent of ionizing properties, ≥90 objects are required; for one preferentially observing strongly-leaking LyC sources, ≥58 objects are required. More generally, measuring the connection between fesc and ΣSFR requires a larger, representative sample spanning a wide dynamic range in galaxies properties such as ΣSFR.

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