
The similarity in sedimentary depositional characteristics of the Warcha Sandstone of Nilawahan Group in the Salt Range to the uranium bearing sandstones of Siwalik Group in the foot hills of Himalaya and Sulaiman Ranges, Pakistan, tempted geologists to investigate the former group for the occurrence of uranium deposits in it. Like volcanic ash beds in Siwaliks, phosphatic nodules may be a possible source of uranium mineralization in Warcha Sandstone. Samples of phosphatic nodules occurring in the Warcha sandstone near Chakwal were collected and subjected to the solid state nuclear track detection technique for the determination of their uranium concentration. The uranium concentration in these samples ranges from ( 434 ± 32 ) to ( 964 ± 74 ) with an average of ( 699 ± 16 ) ppm . The high uranium content indicates that the phosphatic nodules may be the possible source of uranium mineralization in Warcha Sandstone. These results are quite encouraging and favor the idea of exploring the area in detail for any possible occurrence of uranium deposits.

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