
Non-standard interactions (NSIs) in the propagation of neutrinos in matter can lead tosignificant deviations in neutrino oscillations expected within the standard 3-neutrinoframework. These additional interactions would result in an anomalous flux of neutrinosobservable at neutrino telescopes. The ANTARES detector and its next-generation successor,KM3NeT, located in the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea, have the potential to measuresub-dominant effects in neutrino oscillations, coming from non-standard neutrino interactions.In this contribution, a likelihood-based search for NSIs with 10 years of atmospheric muon-neutrinodata recorded with ANTARES is reported and sensitivity projections for KM3NeT/ORCA, based on realistic detector simulations, are shown. The bounds obtained with ANTARES in the NSI μ - τ sector constitute the most stringent limits up to date.

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