
One hundred and three single sera from adults hospitalized with acute type B (78) or non-A, non-B (25) hepatitis were tested for the presence of hepatitis B virus DNA (HBV DNA). All sera from patients with type B hepatitis were IgM anti-HBc-positive. These patients were classified as benign (47) or fulminant (31) hepatitis. The 25 acute non-A, non-B patients were also classified as benign (21) or fulminant (4) hepatitis and were negative for serologic markers of past HBV infection. Serum HBV DNA was detected with similar frequency in benign (38.5%) and fulminant (FH, 34.6%) HBsAg-positive cases. HBV DNA was not detected in either the 26 acute HBsAg-negative hepatitis B cases who were positive for anti-HBc and anti-HBs or the 25 acute non-A, non-B hepatitis cases. The absence of HBV DNA in 43.8% of benign hepatitis B patients who were positive for HBsAg and HBeAg could possibly be attributed to either low level replication of HBV that was not detectable by the [32P]HBV DNA probe or to a period of delayed clearance of free HBeAg following cessation of HBV replication. Emergence of anti-HBs in the presence of HBsAg did not always correspond to clearance of HBV in fulminant type B cases. However, in acute type B hepatitis, irrespectively of severity, disappearance of HBsAg and appearance of anti-HBs was accompanied by reduction of HBV replication to undetectable levels.

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