
The potential of social philosophy as an explanatory tool for the processes of searching for global justice is considered. It was determined that the study of global justice provides not only a conceptual framework for understanding local issues of justice, but also enables a successful practical solution to these issues, since global justice in modern society becomes more effective than local justice. An example of this can be the support of Ukraine by the world's leading democracies in its opposition to the armed aggression of the russian federation, which dominates Ukraine in terms of economic, military and informational resources. The multiculturalism of modern societies is considered as a result of the intensification of international social communication. An essential relationship between the institutional and sociocultural components of social communication has been revealed: sociocultural changes acquire their institutional consolidation, and are also often the result of institutional transformations. Global justice is considered not only as an activity in accordance with certain social norms, but also as an affirmation of certain social values. The subject of global justice can be considered an unlimited communicative community, but such an approach requires taking into account a number of theoretical and practical caveats. Specific forms of universalization of social values are considered as those that are achieved due to the procedure of generalization of particular values of local social communities. As an example of such generalization, the task of forming national identity is considered. The formation of each social community is proposed to be analyzed in the unity of the processes of horizontal and vertical social integration.

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