
We report the results of a search for fractional electric charges in stable matter. We obtain 90%-C.L. upper limits upon the concentration of fractional charges in the sample tetraethylene glycol examined of 1 per 64 \ensuremath{\mu}g for +0.33e and/or +0.66e fractional charges, and 1 per 28 \ensuremath{\mu}g for +0.33e and/or -0.66e fractional charges. Our method employed so-called ``satellite'' droplets formed in the breakup of a liquid jet. The droplets were shot vertically downward and charge-analyzed using a horizontal electric field. The final positions, reflecting a charge sensitivity of up to 1.8 mm per electron charge, were measured with a laser-scanner-based detector. Our charge resolution was better than (1/30 of an electron charge.

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