
The sickle cell disease is fatal in nature. Thousands of children are dying off due to this health problem throughout the globe. Due to the rapid development of diagnosis and clinical managements such patients are living up to a respectable age. But as there is no permanent cure the patients are suffering from bone and joint pain, jaundice, hepato-splenomegaly, chronic infections etc. The main physiological complicacy is due to the polymerization of sickle hemoglobin (HbS), (sickling process) inside the red blood cell (RBC) of these patients during deoxygenating state. The change of RBC from spherical to sickle shape is due to the polymerization of mutant hemoglobin (HbS) inside the RBC and membrane distortion during anoxic condition. The mechanism and the process of sickling are very complex and multifactor in nature. To get rid from such complicacies it is necessary to suitably and accurately stop the sickling of RBC of the patients. The potential anti-sickling agents either from natural sources and/or synthetic molecules may be helpful for reducing the clinical morbidity of the patients. A lot of natural compounds from plant extracts have been tried by several workers in recent past. Most of the studies are based on in vitro red cell sickling studies and their mode of action has not been properly understood. Although, few studies have been in vivo in nature pertaining to transgenic sickle animal model, there is paucity of data on the human studies. The result of such studies although has shown some degree of success, a promising anti-sickling agent is yet to be established.

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